The Smart Abrasive Option for the models THM 700 und 900
To date large continuous flow shot blast machine with multiple blast turbines were operated with a media surplus in the media recycling system. This was done to safely and consistently achieve the specified blast cleaning results. However, this causes needless media consumption and machine wear.
To eliminate such costly wastage we developed the “Smart Abrasive” option for the shot blast machines THM 700 and THM 900, each equipped with up to four blast turbines. This technical feature adapts the media flow rate to the cleaning requirements for each work piece type. If for technical reasons a lower blast performance is sufficient for achieving the specified cleaning results, the turbine speed and the media flow to the turbines is reduced, and the media augers are running with a lower RPM.

The optimal process parameters for each individual work piece type
On one hand the “Smart Abrasive” control saves energy. On the other hand it extends the life of the blast media , which is passing through the recycling system at a lower rate. A welcome side effect is that the overall wear rate of the blast machine is reduced. This results in lower costs for maintenance.
With processing trials the optimal processing parameters, such as turbine RPM, blast media flow, etc., are determined. These parameters are then entered into the PLC programs for the different work piece families and stored in the machine controls.

“The increasing production of hybrid and electrical vehicles is creating a growing demand for high-strength chassis components. These must be able to withstand higher vehicle weights and higher torque values in the drivetrain. The Walther Trowal THM continuous flow machines with “Smart Abrasive” controls are ideal for blast cleaning these components.”
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Cruse, General Sales Manager at Walther Trowal
THM shot blast machines are frequently used for blast cleaning components for the automobile industry, for example, forged chassis components made from aluminum like transverse links, steering knuckles or swivel bearings. Many manufacturers of aluminum die-castings and forgings are also using blast media made from the same material. Due to its lower bulk density aluminum blast media is a lot gentler for the work pieces than, for example, stainless steel media.