The Walther Trowal troughed belt continuous flow shot blast machines are frequently used for blast cleaning of forged chassis components for automobiles.
THM shot blast machines available for processing trials at the test centers in Haan/Germany and Grand Rapids/USA
Investing in a large shot blast machine is...
In our white paper “Continuous flow shot blast machines” we explain why our continuous flow machines are increasingly displacing conventional batch tumblast and spinner hanger shot blast machines.
The Walther Trowal troughed belt continuous flow shot blast machines are frequently used for blast cleaning of forged chassis components for automobiles.
THM shot blast machines available for processing trials at the test centers in Haan/Germany and Grand Rapids/USA
Investing in a large shot blast machine is...
In our white paper “Continuous flow shot blast machines” we explain why our continuous flow machines are increasingly displacing conventional batch tumblast and spinner hanger shot blast machines.